Posted by : Akshay Patil
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Let's consider below tabular form to demo this topic that is Emergency Contact Details.
Suppose that we have to access the all the Emergency Contact Names of the user Akshay Patil.
Suppose that we have to access the all the Emergency Contact Names of the user Akshay Patil.
Write JavaScript function to traverse through tabular form as shown below.
function display()
for (var i = 0; i < document.wwv_flow.f04.length; i++)
var vTemp=$(document.wwv_flow.f04[i]).val();
where ,
Oracle Apex allows only one tabular form on one page so undoubtedly document.wwv_flow access particular tabular form on that page.
f04 is the tabular form column name so, document.wwv_flow.f04.length returns the length that is number of rows in tabular form.
Therefore, to identify the name of your tabular form column do following:
1. Right Click on column item
2. Select Inspect element.
3. Use the name shown in Inspect Element Window.