Posted by : Akshay Patil Monday 19 October 2015

Below PL/SQL Block will help you to download file from specific directory path to your browser.

 First you need to register the directory path of file with oracle using below syntax.
CREATE [OR REPLACE] DIRECTORY directory_name AS 'path_name';
directory_name: Database-unique directory name.
path_name: Operating system directory path (note that if the OS is case-sensitive, the name must be exact)
Now,give read,write access to database user for created directory.
grant read, write on directory directory_name to database_schema

  V_Amount  Integer;
  V_Src_Loc Bfile;
  v_b       BLOB;


   v_src_loc  := BFILENAME('MY_DIR', 'myfile.xls');
--MY_DIR is the directory registered with a path where file is present.

   Sys.Dbms_Lob.Open(V_Src_Loc, Dbms_Lob.Lob_Readonly);
   V_Amount := SYS.Dbms_Lob.Getlength(V_Src_Loc);

-- Set the MIME type
   OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('application/octet', FALSE);
   htp.p('Content-length: ' || V_Amount );
   HTP.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="myfile.xls"');

   Sys.Dbms_Lob.Loadfromfile(V_B, V_Src_Loc, V_Amount);


 when others then
   htp.p('Error '||SQLERRM);


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