Archive for 2016

How to Export and Import Apex Application

Thursday 21 January 2016
Posted by Akshay Patil
Please follow below steps to export an application from PROD Instance :
1. Login to PROD APEX Workspace.
2. Click on Application builder icon as shown in below screenshot.

3. Click on Edit button of the application that you want to export.We have to export Application No. 103 from PROD instance.

 4. Below screen will appear. Now,Click on Export/Import icon.

5.Select Export option and click Next.

5.Cick on Export Application

6.You will get f103.sql export file for that application.

Please follow below steps to import APEX Application successfully on another instance:
1. Check whether correct apex version is configured same as PROD.
2. Login to Apex Environment(New Apex Instance).

3. After login, Run below query from SQL workshop to get current workspace id.

4. Check whether above workspace id is matching with workspace id in f103.sql file (Application Exported from PROD) , If not then update the f103.sql file with above workspace id (new workspace id of the instance workspace on which we are installing application). And save the changes.

5. Now, Go to application builder and click on Import  button as shown below

6. Below screen will appear, choose options as given below and click on Next button :
·         Import File : Click on choose file and select f103.sql from directory location where this file is kept.
·         File Type : Select option “Database Application, Page or Component Export”.
·         File Character Set : keep “Unicode UTF-8”.

7. It may take few minutes to import file.

8. Apex will show successful import message, just click on Next Button:

9. Below screen will appear, choose options as given below and click on Install Application button :
·         Parsing Schema : choose database schema
·         Build Status : Run and Build Application
·         Install As Application : select 2nd option “Reuse Application ID from Export File” 

10. Installation in progress, It may take few minutes to install.

11. It will show successful message if application is installed correctly.
Integrating APEX with Oracle E-Business Suite :

In order to connect from Oracle E-Business Suite to your new Oracle Application Express
Applications, a mechanism is required to hand control from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Application Express. The following actions need to be performed:

1. Create an Oracle Application Express application
2. Configure the Oracle Application Express login process if you want to authenticate user before accessing the application.
3. Define Oracle Application Express authorizations
4. Define Oracle E-Business Suite profile and functions
5. Link functions to menus and responsibility

Perform below activities from APEX side :

Creating an Oracle Application Express Application

We are going to use the cookie settings in the icx_sessions table of Oracle E-Business Suite.
Because, when checking the session variables I store more relevant Oracle E-Business Suite session information in Oracle Application Express Application Items.

Application Items (Shared Components > Logic)
Scope : Application
Session State Protection : Restricted - May not be set from browser

Application Item Name Comments
EBS_USER_ID Key to User; To check EBS authorization and to set EBS context (icx_sessions)
EBS_RESP_ID Key to Responsibility; To check EBS authorization and to set EBS context (icx_sessions)
EBS_RESP_APPL_ID Key to Responsibility Application; To check EBS authorization and to set EBS context (icx_sessions)
EBS_SEC_GROUP_ID Key to Security Group; To check EBS authorization and to set EBS context (icx_sessions)
EBS_TIME_OUT Session Time Out in Oracle E-Business Suite (icx_sessions)
EBS_URL URL to return to EBS Homepage from APEX (icx_session_attributes)
EBS_ORG_ID EBS ORG_ID (icx_sessions) - MO: Operating Unit from Responsibility
EBS_APPLICATION_NAME To be displayed at the left tophand corner (application_name from fnd_application_tl using EBS_RESP_APPL_ID)
The Application Items are used in queries or when setting the ‘environment’ (apps_initialize).

Authentication (Shared Components > Security)
The Oracle Application Express pages are directly launched from the E-Business Suite. Additional login is not desirable, so no Authentication Scheme.

Authorization (Shared Components > Security)

I created an Authorization Scheme 'Check EBS Credentials' that will check whether the user has a valid E-Business Suite session. If so, then session attributes are copied into the Application Items. If not, then an error message will be displayed that access is not allowed. The E-Business Suite function icx_sec.getsessioncookie is used to determine the session_id. This session_id is the key to retrieve additional information from the E-Business Suite tables icx_sessions and icx_session_attributes. 

Authorization Schemes: Create>


Name: Check EBS Credentials 
Scheme Type: PL/SQL Function Returning Boolean
PL/SQL Function Body:
      RETURN apps.apex_global.check_ebs_credentials;
Error message displayed when scheme violated:  "Access not allowed: No valid E-Business Suite session."
Evaluation point: once per page view

Create Authorization Scheme

Code of function check_ebs_credentials (from package body apps.apex_global):

 FUNCTION check_ebs_credentials
      c_ebs             VARCHAR2(240) := 'E-Business Suite';
      l_authorized      BOOLEAN;
      l_user_id         NUMBER;
      l_resp_id         NUMBER;
      l_resp_appl_id    NUMBER;    
      l_sec_group_id    NUMBER;
      l_org_id          NUMBER;
      l_time_out        NUMBER;
      l_ebs_url         VARCHAR2(100);
      l_appl_name       VARCHAR2(240);
      CURSOR get_apps_credentials
         SELECT iss.user_id
         ,      iss.responsibility_id
         ,      iss.responsibility_application_id
         ,      iss.security_group_id
         ,      iss.org_id
         ,      iss.time_out
         ,      isa.value
         FROM  apps.icx_sessions iss
         ,     apps.icx_session_attributes isa 
         WHERE iss.session_id = apps.icx_sec.getsessioncookie
         AND   isa.session_id = iss.session_id
      CURSOR get_appl_name (b_appl_id NUMBER)
         SELECT application_name
         FROM   apps.fnd_application_tl
         WHERE  application_id = b_appl_id
         AND    language = USERENV('LANG');
      OPEN get_apps_credentials;
      FETCH get_apps_credentials 
      INTO l_user_id
      ,    l_resp_id 
      ,    l_resp_appl_id
      ,    l_sec_group_id
      ,    l_org_id
      ,    l_time_out
      ,    l_ebs_url;
      IF get_apps_credentials%NOTFOUND THEN  
         l_authorized := FALSE;
         l_authorized := TRUE;
         OPEN get_appl_name(l_resp_appl_id);
         FETCH get_appl_name INTO l_appl_name;
         IF get_appl_name%NOTFOUND THEN
            l_appl_name := c_ebs;
         END IF;
         CLOSE get_appl_name;
--       apex_util.set_session_state('EBS_TIME_OUT',TO_CHAR(l_time_out));      
      END IF;
      CLOSE get_apps_credentials;
      RETURN l_authorized;
         IF get_apps_credentials%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE get_apps_credentials; END IF;
         RETURN FALSE;      

Security Attributes (Shared Components > Security)
Access to any page in the APEX application is not allowed when no E-Business Suite session is active. This is arranged by setting the Authorization Scheme as a Security Attribute. However, it is also possible to manage authorization per page. In the latter case don't set the authorization scheme as shared component. 

Security > Security Attributes: Authorization
Authorization Scheme: Check EBS Credentials

Apply Changes.

Perform below activities from EBS side :

Update the FND: APEX URL profile option with the correct setting at the site level using the following steps:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite with the SYSADMIN user
(http ://<EBS_Hostname>:8074/OA_HTML/AppsLogin)

2. Navigate to the System Administrator responsibility > Profile > System menu option

3. Search for Profile %APEX%, click Find

4. for profile FND: APEX URL enter Site http://<EBS_Hostname>:8080/apex
5. Save the profile

Perform the following steps to define the Oracle E-Business Suite functions:

1. Navigate to the System Administrator responsibility > Application > Function menu option 
2. For calls to the page without responsibility, create a function with the following details:
Description -
Function: APEX_FUN
User Function Name: APEX Extension

Properties –
Type: JSP

Web HTML –
HTML Call: GWY.jsp?targetAppType=APEX& p=<APEX Application Id>:
<APEX Page>:<Session>:<Request>:<Debug>:<Clear Cache>:
<Parameter Pairs> 
{ For example, to call Oracle Application Express application 104, Page 1
use GWY.jsp?targetAppType=APEX&p=104:1:0::NO:1: , all other parameters are

Add menu component under required Menu as shown below-
Menu Name:  [Specify Menu Name here]
User Menu Name : [Specify User Menu Name here]
Menu Type: Standard
3. Create menu component –
Sequence: 1
Prompt: Launch APEX Page
Function: APEX Extension
4. Save the menu.

Uploading Excel Sheet using APEX

Friday 15 January 2016
Posted by Akshay Patil
Following is the table detail which I want to populate from data in excel sheet.

Table Name : UPLOAD_DATA

 Please follow below steps : 
1) Created a “File Browse” item on a page and having internal name it P35_UPLOAD.
2) Created a button having internal name as “Upload“. This button is used to upload and process the data in the excel sheet.
3) Created a conditional branch when upload button is pressed, it should branch to the same page (35 in my case)
4) When we select an excel sheet using browse button and click on submit button, it will branch to same page (indirectly we are saying that its going to refresh the page). In such case even if there is no code written in the backend, APEX is going to load the excel sheet in a BLOB format into a table wwv_flow_files.
This is the internal table used by APEX. Our task is to read this table and get the required row which got inserted into this table. With each upload 1 row will get inserted into the table. One of the column of the table (BLOB_CONTENT) is BLOB where the actual excel sheet is uploaded. All other columns are metadata about excel.
When we upload an excel sheet, a random name will get generated for the file in the form FXXXXX/<file_name_you_uploaded>. You can use this to get the file details. Also when you refresh the page, it will upload the file to this table wwv_flow_files, but as soon as refresh completed and it displays the page back again, that row will get deleted again. So you have to get that row processed immediately using the code that you will write when submit button is pressed.
In my case, I want to upload the rows into UPLOAD_DATA table. My excel sheet content looks as shown below.
5) Following is the code for the same

create or replace procedure "INSERT_ROW"
) AS 
  v_col_1 varchar2(100);
  v_col_2 varchar2(100);
  v_col_3 varchar2(100);    
  v_col_1 := substr(P_RECORD,1,instr(P_RECORD,',',1,1)-1);  
  v_col_2 := substr(P_RECORD,instr(P_RECORD,',',1,1)+1,instr(P_RECORD,',',1,2)-instr(P_RECORD,',',1,1)-1);  
  v_col_3 := substr(P_RECORD,instr(P_RECORD,',',1,2)+1,length(P_RECORD)-instr(P_RECORD,',',1,2));     
  --dbms_output.put_line('rECORD - ' ||v_col_1||' , '||v_col_2||' , '||v_col_3);  
  insert into UTR_OUTCOME(DESCRIPTION,STATUS,END_ON) values(v_col_1,v_col_2,v_col_3);
  when others then
  --dbms_output.put_line('Error : '||SQLERRM);
  insert into UTR_OUTCOME(DESCRIPTION) values('Error');

Below is the code for uploading the excel sheet.

v_temp BLOB;
v_record varchar2(3276);
v_len number := 0;
v_count number:=0;
v_data varchar2(32767);
   -- When an data is uploaded it is stored in the
   -- The wwv_flow_file_objects$ table is identified in the dads.conf
   -- file in the PlsqlDocumentTablename  parameter.
   -- WWV_FLOW_FILES is a view to this table.
   --File is uploaded in BLOB format so we need to extract data from it and insert into our table.

     select blob_content into v_temp 
     from wwv_flow_files
     created_on= (select max(created_on) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :app_user)
     and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :app_user);

    v_data := substr(v_data,instr(v_data,chr(10),1)+1,length(v_data));
    v_len := length(v_data);
     delete from utr_outcome;     
    while v_count <= v_len-1
        v_count := v_count+1;
        v_record := substr(v_data,v_count,instr(v_data,chr(10),v_count)-v_count);
        v_record :='';
        v_count :=instr(v_data,chr(10),v_count);
    end loop;    
  When others then
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error : '||sqlerrm); 


Create a new PLSQL process under Processes section in APEX and put this code under the same. Make the process run when upload button is pressed.
Data in excel sheet will get loaded into table.
Hope this helps !! 
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